Friday, January 28, 2011


Even before this post was assigned, I've been comparing my high school and college experience. This is my second semester at Stockton, and I've noticed no change in difficulty when comparing it to my high school class load. In fact, so far, college has been easier with less work, easier syllabuses and smaller class sizes. In high school, I took seven AP level courses, and the work load was exceedingly heavier. College is easy. It's so easy in fact, that I am slacking off and it's killing me. In high school, I had no down time, so I had to fill every second with homework, or essays, and other work. In high school, I took AP Composition. I had an essay due every week, with reading assignments on top of that. I am SO! excited to only have to write two major essays for this course. The two in class essays are going to be a treat as well. I just need to move up to the higher level courses. I don't want to sound like an arrogant person, but I know that I can handle more work than what is being given to me. Sadly, I can't take anymore classes because of the maximum credit level and the rule on academic overload. :/

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