Monday, April 18, 2011


I don't really think that I have any apprehensions about my presentation. I've been comfortable with public speaking my entire life. I've been in plays and public speaking classes my entire life. There are a few ways that you can get better and more comfortable with public speaking. You can test out speaches and things with your family or friends. That's usually how I practiced and memorized monologues and lines. But! The best way to get over public speaking, is to be absolutely one hundred percent memorized. Once you are completely comfortable with the words that you are about to say, you don't have anything else to worry about. That's my number one way that I suggest people to get over the fear of public speaking. I am excited to present though. Because I plan on bringing some really sweet props!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Blogs #11-17

I am a mess. Also, for the people who may be reading this, I recently got three darling baby chicks. That was me bragging about my adorable new pets. They're hens so in five months they'll be laying eggs, and I'll offer anyone omelets or quiches or baked goods or eggs. :)

Hmmm, I haven't gotten involved in any campus activities. I went to a sorority open house and after sitting through the orientation I realized that it wasn't for me. I'm not saying that sororities aren't great, it wasn't for me though. I'd like to get involved with some sort of group or club but it's hard with the classes I'm taking and me working 2 days a week. Hopefully, in the fall my schedule will allow me to have more free time and the chicks will be outside and I'll feel less like an over protective mother.

When it comes to fashion trends, I'd like to say that I try to do my own thing. But everyone gets sucked into some of the trends. Like, I'll admit that I do have a pair of Uggs. With some things, I do happen to fall into the majority, but then again I think I dress to my own likings and don't really care about the brand names or titles. For example,  I know that I can buy perfectly sound jeans for 25 dollars at Kohls orrrrr Target. So why would I spend $200 on a pair of Lucky or True Religion jeans? It's ludicrous. Not to mention a horrible trap that many kids get sucked into. I can't stand marketing, or how companies bombard you with beautiful unrealistic models wearing the products. It's nonsense. I don't want to look like that girl wearing those jeans. But, sadly, I think that I'm the in the minority when it comes to consumers in America. As a whole, the population is very easily swayed by beautiful thin young men and women in beautiful expensive clothes. I just don't get it, and I will never buy into it. SO! To answer the original question, I don't care about brand names or the trends. I care about sound, reliable products within my budget.

Jon Stewart on Glenn Beck

HILARIOUS, but on a serious note: This is a complete parody on the ridiculousness of Glenn Beck. The bias is blatantly obvious as Stewart completely mocks Beck for being a Conservative Libertarian. But Steawrt goes deeper, and does not just condemn  Beck for his political views, but for the way that Beck goes on polluting his watchers with misinformed gibberish. Because as Jon Stewart shows, he concocts complete malarkey out of tiny truths. Yes, I just used the word 'malarkey'. Also, how can we NOT trust Jon Stewart. He was rated America's most trustworthy news reporter!

Whose phone is this?
Hilariously sticky. This isn't my own design, but I found it hilarious.

For my second multidraft, I'd like to get a better grade than last time. I'd also like to try a little harder and give it a little more of a shot. It's an easy assignment, I just need to get better with procrastination. As you see by my ridiculously late blogs, procrastination, and complete absent mindedness is a problem that I battle with daily. I think I'm going to buy a biggggg desk calendar and put it on my desk. I think that would help? Maybe? But my goals are: 1. Better grade 2. Better grade because I actually tried, and worked for it, and proof read it, and didn't put it off until the lassssst minute.

Grrrr. I knew this blog post was coming up. The "What are your thoughts on the Tipping Point" entry. And, I am curiously satisfied with the book. I will say that it was not my favorite nonfiction I've ever read, but it was interesting. Gladwell impressed me with his use of illustration. After watching the TED interview, I was REALLY impressed that the way he writes is the exact same way he speaks. To tell you the truth, I always thought that his writing style seemed unaturally natural. If that makes any sense? But it was very interesting to put a face and voice to his written work. I completely understand why people flock to his writings as they are interesting and reach a very broad spectrum of readers. In that way he is brilliant. But again, I wouldn't rank him among my favorites. But! To each their own, and I enjoyed this book a lot more than the other piece I've read. So, Professor Sprouls, it was a good pick, and I understand why you chose it.
Also, a friend of mine brought up the broken window theory the other night over coffee.

I am writing this by the light of a UV heat lamp next to my chicks. Just thought I'd let y'all know.

You could set up a book store by fiction and non fiction. And then break those down by reference and time periods. But you could also do fun things like Fifty Percent Pictures (you could then subdivide those into Children's books and Graphic Novels), or books could be sold next to dictionaries because of the high vocabulary. Like with a copy of an 19th century novel, you would get an era correct dictionary, for easy reference. I do like how the artist sectioned the bookstore off in attention spans. I feel like most bookstores are kinddd of set up that way. Towards the entrance of Borders there is the best sellers section, and the types of books that you could sell in an airport. Kind of like a blanket statement of all readers, something broad enough that anyone could read it, and be mildly entertained. But if I were to break up a book store, it would probably be in a very specific way. Like, when you walked in, there would be a table that was a compilation of all of my employees favorite books, but I'd ask them to pick a fairly recent publication and then an old favorite. Like, the kind of book they pick up as an old faithful. Then, past that I would put all of the 'Literature', sectioned off by the nationality of the author, or by date published. Then, I would put children's books next because they're my favorite. Especially the pop up books!! My bookstore would be slightly generically set up, but I'd put all of my favorites towards the beginning of the book shelf, so that they get more attention. Also! I'd have a ton of ladders for people to use. That has nothing to do with the set up of the bookstore itself, but the ladders have always been a big part of a bookstore to me.

And to sign me off, a (more recent) picture of a chick!

Friday, February 25, 2011


Children of illegal immigrants should most definitely receive the right to citizenship if born in this country. The children of the illegal immigrants are already being educated in the school systems, being taken care of by the health care system, and are learning the language, so why not allow them to have a U.S. citizenship? The children should not be comdemned to a fate of not having a 'home' because their parents decided to pick up immigrate to another country. Furthermore, the child should not be at risk to be deported to a country where they have no ties to. Allow citizenship to children who have been born in this nation. The United States is not the only country with this policy, Australia does too!



In "Border Patrol State", Silko illustrates her main predicament with border patrol as the dehumanizing affect that the authorities have on illegal aliens. Although they are crossing illegally, the authority's way of handling the situation is completely incorrect. No matter how these people are encountering the border patrol, they still should be met with dignity and equality because no matter what country they are in, or where they are coming from, they are still human. Not only are these immigrants being treated inhumanely, they are also being racially profiled from their hair, skin color, or clothing. The grievances that Silko has with Border patrolling policies are completely reasonable and should be addressed.


My mom works in the casinos. She is a credit executive and lends money at, I'm assuming, high interests rates to people who gamble. I don't believe that jobs become a part of the person. I say 'job' for a reason. What my mom does is not a career. If she had a career, I believe that he choice in career would be an intergral part of who she is. The career would not influence her, but she would have made the active decision to participate in that line of work. For example, if my mom had become a teacher, it would have been because she has a strong faith in the youth, and she would want to be apart of their growth. Her choice of career would be influenced by WHO she was as a person, and the job would not have influenced her.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Well! The television that I'm interested in talking about is Breaking Bad. The whole show centers around a man who is terminally ill with lung cancer. He is a high school chemistry teacher.  Knowing his life is going to end, and that his young wife is going to have difficulty supporting herself, their son with m.s. and their baby he decides to work two jobs! He continues to work at his high school until he gets too sick, and then he starts making meth on the side. The entire show is an illustration of the working man's plight and the flaws in the health system, man. So there is a main character in this show that is an immigrant. He is a very successful business man from Mexico. His name is Tooko. He's a the head of a drug cartel. But! He's totally living the dream. He's hard worker, and he doesn't let anyone keep him from his goals.

Friday, February 4, 2011


The past two weeks of school have been going well. If there is anything I need to improve on, it is my time management. Since I've had nearly two months off of work, I've had too much free time, and it's screwing with my priorities. I'm putting things off when I could just complete them. Like, homework I get assigned on Monday should be done on Monday, but since I have Tuesdays off, I pretend I'll do it during the day. And then somehow, it's in the wee hours of the night and I'm doing homework. Hopefully once I'm working again, I'll be forced to handle my free hours well. Besides that, I think I'm doing pretty well. I've already begun studying for my chemistry exam, and I've pre-read most of the chapters for biology. Things are going well.


When I was completing the learning inventory, I wasn't expecting to come out as a creative, visual learner. I mean, I always knew that charts and graphs made more sense to me, but it honestly caught me off guard considering I am usually a fact and science kind of brained person. I think what influenced the survey the most was my emotional sympathetic way of thinking. 
Although, the contrary learning style would have been more unlike me than creative learning styles. I guess the exercise showed me something about myself. Even though the activity didn't teach me anything, it defined an observation I had already known.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Even before this post was assigned, I've been comparing my high school and college experience. This is my second semester at Stockton, and I've noticed no change in difficulty when comparing it to my high school class load. In fact, so far, college has been easier with less work, easier syllabuses and smaller class sizes. In high school, I took seven AP level courses, and the work load was exceedingly heavier. College is easy. It's so easy in fact, that I am slacking off and it's killing me. In high school, I had no down time, so I had to fill every second with homework, or essays, and other work. In high school, I took AP Composition. I had an essay due every week, with reading assignments on top of that. I am SO! excited to only have to write two major essays for this course. The two in class essays are going to be a treat as well. I just need to move up to the higher level courses. I don't want to sound like an arrogant person, but I know that I can handle more work than what is being given to me. Sadly, I can't take anymore classes because of the maximum credit level and the rule on academic overload. :/

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I like to read whenever I can. I don't have a particular place I like to read, although I do prefer to be comfortable. But, as we all know, you can't always curl up with a blanket every time you read. I can read no matter how loud it is, or how many other people are in the room. But! I can absolutely not read comfortably in a car, or in my hammock. I get sick feeling. Although, it's funny that I can get motion sickness from reading in a car, but I can read perfectly fine on my boat without getting seasick. I can pretty much sit down, and crack open my very, very worn copy of Nine Stories and enjoy it anywhere. I usually can read something once and comprehend almost everything.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Expectations at The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey:

This is my second semester, and so far, too many spontaneous wonderful things have already happened. So, for me that to have any more expectations would be nuts. I've already got a wonderful job in the general field of my major, I'm doing well in school, and I've become friends with very strong, loyal, loving people. I don't know if I can expect anymore. And I feel as though if I did expect anymore, I would be pushing my luck. This year has already been a huge improvement from the last and I'm perfectly content where I am.